Christina Ecker: Smashing stereotypes and building businesses

Christina Ecker

Saffron Wildbore

~ 4min read

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~ 4min read

Christina graduated with a psychology degree and started her career as a social worker. But, she’s always felt a need to continue her education and had a dream of opening up her own business, following in her father’s footsteps. 

After completing a masters degree in business and then training at the mthree Academy, Christina is now working as an operations analyst at an investment bank. This International Women’s Day, we spoke to her about her plans for the future and how she feels about working in a male-dominated industry. 

> Treating work as a puzzle

“As an operations analyst within the bank I review trades to make sure they look permissible. There are 7 key criteria that we use to judge these trades and make sure they’re okay and not breaking anything within the system.

For me, it’s more like a puzzle. My Mom loves puzzles, I think that’s where I get that from. I really like puzzles myself.. I like fixing problems. So, I like fixing these trade problems.”

Along with her many day-to-day responsibilities, Christina has taken on extra responsibilities to help others within her workplace. “I’ve been helping people who are on-boarded after me. Kind of being a leader to the new hires and helping them.”

> Paving her own path in the workplace

When asked about her biggest achievement in her career so far, Christina talked about her journey to get to where she is. “Having that surprise of getting here and knowing that I’m still here after a year… and that I might be doing better than other people and men who have a better background in this than I do.

I would say that’s my biggest achievement, along with getting all these additional responsibilities and leadership roles, being picked as someone who can take on those additional responsibilities.” 

> Being led by other inspiring women

Despite her boss being an incredible female leader, it doesn’t come without its challenges. Other men within the company sometimes assume leaders are other men. Christina commented, “when I went into the office for the first time, they said about my boss “can you call him up?” You know, we’re conditioned to assume this. 

I went to open an account and the lady goes, “this is the number he’ll need”. It’s like why do we have to assume that my accountant and my manager are men? It makes me want to change that stereotype.”

Luckily, she feels that she garners the same amount of respect as her male counterparts. 

Christina has taken inspiration from every woman in her life that has ever taught her. “My boss right now is a role model. She’s a powerhouse, she runs a tight ship. I don’t think I’ve ever had a female boss that I wouldn’t consider a role model.

I’ve had other role models in college when I was trying to decide what to do with my life. My art professor was incredible… And my Mom is a huge role model for me. She takes her job as a mother very seriously. And now I’m grown, she’s still the best mother I know.”

> An analytical and artistic mind

There’s a stereotype that people can’t be both technical and creative, but Christina has proved this wrong many times. 

Along with working hard on her own business, she also has goals for her current workplace. “I like where I’m at with the bank. Now, I can see myself in a leadership role here. And they’ve actually told me that too, that they could see me in a leadership role.”

When asked about her goals for the future, she said “I have a side business with my sister, an arts and crafts business. That’s something we’ve been growing for at least a year now. I’d like to see that go further.”

Christina is becoming a role model for those who want to follow in her footsteps, proving that your gender really doesn’t matter when it comes to creating a successful life for yourself.

> Embracing equity and paving the way for other women

“I used to feel very intimidated and uncomfortable, being one of the only girls. But at the end of the day, they’re all people like me and while we might be wired a little differently. I’m not intimidated anymore. I feel happy to be here and that I’m representing and hopefully influencing other women to join the industry if they want to. Keep your chin up, don’t be intimidated and do the best you can. That’s all anyone can ask for. Let’s level the playing field.”

If you want to follow in Christina's footsteps, discover more about our graduate programme today.

Saffron Wildbore is a Senior Marketing Executive at mthree. She has worked in marketing, specialising in creating content for over 5 years. Saffron focuses on writing tips for graduates, Alumni interviews and more!