How to prepare for an online interview

Saffron Wildbore

~ 3min read

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~ 3min read

With everyone having such busy schedules to work around, interviewing online for jobs has now become the norm. Of course, a video interview is different to an in-person one, but the preparation is much the same.

Have a read of our online interview tips below for advice!

> Treat it as you would a face to face interview

Treat an online interview as you would an in-person one. This means you should research the company and the role that you are interviewing for. Brush up on your interviewing skills and prepare to answer common interview questions.

You should also think about some questions that you want to ask about the company and role, to see whether it is the right fit for you.

> Test how you look on camera beforehand

You should dress appropriately for the interview. Just because you’re in the comfort of your own home, doesn’t mean that you should dress that way.

Dress formally and check that it looks right on camera ahead of time. Sometimes outfits don’t translate well when a person can only see the top half of you. For example, if you go for something with a V-Neck or lower straps, ensure that it doesn’t look strange on camera.

The best way to present yourself on camera for your interview is to sit up straight, be in a room with plenty of light, and use a blank wall behind you. Make sure your computer screen is at eye level so you can be seen clearly. Avoid using any virtual backgrounds that may come across as unprofessional.

Top tip: Hold a practice interview with a friend first! You can see how you look, test your internet connection and get to grips with the technology.

> Prepare your notes

Whilst doing your research about the company and role, it can be an idea to prepare a few notes to remind you of important details during the call. As you’re not seated directly in front of the person conducting the interview, it can be tempting to have lots of notes around you.

We would advise against this - keep your notes to a minimum! It could end up sounding like you’re reading off a script rather than answering questions naturally. It may also prevent you from making a genuine connection with the person interviewing as you could appear distracted and fail to make eye contact. If you feel you need notes, try and keep them short and sweet, rather than essay length.

> Remove all distractions - it’s important to concentrate!

Find yourself a quiet place to take the interview. If you live with other people, notify them that you have an interview so they can keep the noise to a minimum. Ensure your phone is on silent and there’s no loud washing machines going off in the background.

Sometimes background noise can’t be helped and most interviewers will understand that, so try not to worry if there’s unexpected disturbance!

> ‘Show up’ in advance

It’s best to log on a few minutes early. This also gives you a chance to check your appearance and body language before you meet your interviewer.

This will also allow you to get yourself in the zone. Take a sip of water, a few deep breaths and go!

> Finally, try to enjoy the experience

It’s so easy to get yourself worked up with nerves before an interview - we’ve all been there! Just remember, the person interviewing you has been in the same situation as you. No one will judge you for being nervous.

Pay attention, answer the questions and do your best! That’s all anyone can ever ask of you.

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Saffron Wildbore is a Senior Marketing Executive at mthree. She has worked in marketing, specialising in creating content for over 5 years. Saffron focuses on writing tips for graduates, Alumni interviews and more!