Are female graduates ‘business ready’?

Mary Wellman

~ 1min read

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~ 1min read

It is widely understood that there is a technical skills gap between university and the world of work affecting graduates. In this article Becs Roycroft shares insights from the mthree 2023 Diversity in Tech report. She describes how we help organizations to bridge this skills gap and ensure entry-level employees - including women - reach their full potential. Read the full article on SheCanCode to learn more.

SheCanCode works to inspire more women to pursue careers in tech and mthree actively shares the goal of promoting gender diversity in tech with it’s ‘Women In Tech’ Aspire program. 


> Mary Wellman

Mary Wellman is a Senior Marketing Executive at mthree. She’s a marketing generalist who creates concise and useful content to help solve challenges for our clients. With a STEM degree, an MBA, and 30 years of B2B communication expertise, she is a seasoned business editor.


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