mthree culture: We help graduates land their dream roles

~ 2min read

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~ 2min read

On The Dream Team Podcast Steve Ramos, mthree Talent Manager, chatted about the culture of mthree and how we help graduates land their dream roles.

Scroll down to hear what Steve says in the 1:24 minute clip (or see the transcript below):

Steve Ramos Dream Team Podcast - short clip 1:24 (


Helping people land their dream jobs:

In the clip above, Steve says:

“… I've talked to a few people that have been in the job market for almost a year now. When I'm able to, you know, after a few interviews and some coaching, I'm able to … help them land their first job. I can't tell you like how rewarding that really is.

“In fact, I got an email from someone this morning who just graduated from our training, I think maybe less than a week ago and she's now working at one of the top, you know, financial firms in New York City and she's just so ecstatic and she was really thankful for the opportunity. But all I had to say with her is ..’.. listen, you, you earned this. … I was more than happy to help you.'

"I saw somebody with the utmost potential that was doing more than everything that they had to do to make this happen and all I helped do is help open the door for them. And sometimes that's all it really takes.

"So I genuinely love what I do and I genuinely feel like there needs to be more organisations like ours out there.”

Listen to the full The DreamTeam Podcast episode on Spotify. 

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