Tee’s love for IT Ignites her career

Saffron Wildbore

~ 3min read

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~ 3min read

Tee Archeampong found a love for IT in her final years of school, but wasn’t sure what she wanted to do when she began her career. After dabbling in childcare, retail and a few more areas she realised IT was her true passion.

Despite not going to University, she is currently excelling in her role as a ServiceNow Developer. Have a read of her story below.

> Her journey into the world of IT

After realising that IT was where her heart was, Tee began teaching herself. “I did an online coding course for women. I was learning CSS, HTML and JavaScript which I really enjoyed.

Once I’d completed the course, I put it on my LinkedIn. I then got contacted by mthree.”

From the moment she was contacted, Tee’s journey into IT was accelerated. After passing her first interview, she began the training led by our Academy team.

“We trained at home for a 6 week course on ServiceNow. It was full of lecturing and then as we learned, more independent learning.”

> On-site with the client

“I’m in the office Monday to Wednesday. When I log in I’ll have a ticket assigned to me. I’ll read the description and figure out what needs to be done, then set up a call with the stakeholder.

First when doing the tickets, after I have a call with the stakeholder, I then do the questionnaire which includes tick boxes that I fill in. If it's low priority, I approve it myself, and if it's medium or high, a senior developer will approve it.

Then I start the development of the work, once I'm done, I set it for peer review, where another developer will check my work. I used to feel unsure about doing this, but I’m confident in my ability now.”

> Her plans for the future

Tee is hoping to stay in her field for a while, working her way up to more senior positions as her knowledge progresses.

“Well my placement is 18 months and I’m currently 7 months into it. I’m trying to learn as much as I can. I want to get loads of experience and certifications that can help me with my skills.

I’m hoping to stay in this company and work my way up.”

> Her journey with mthree

“mthree has made this career reachable and easy with your help. I don’t think I would’ve been successful if I’d seen an advert for my current role and applied without completing the training.

The support I’ve got along the way, the help and the training has really helped me to get to where I am over the last 6 months.”

Tee had considered other training programs before, but she hadn’t seen anything quite like mthree. “I just never felt like I’d found the right one before. Other companies expected you to pay fees for the training and it just didn’t sit right with me.

I looked for a long time before mthree approached me, and I just thought let’s go for it. I’ve been trying to get into IT since 2016ish and it just never worked. Now I’m finally here”

> Her advice for others

When asked about her advice for others, Tee has a strong belief that there’s nothing you can’t do. “I was coming from a non-IT background, but there’s really nothing you can’t do without hard work

As long as you’re focused, learning and doing your research and you put in the work you can do it. Take advice on board, make sure to ask questions and you really can do anything that you put your mind to.”If

you’re inspired by Tee’s story and want to work in tech, have a look at our current openings.

Saffron Wildbore is a Senior Marketing Executive at mthree. She has worked in marketing, specialising in creating content for over 4 years. Saffron focuses on writing tips for graduates, Alumni interviews and more!


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