What you need to know about applying to mthree

Saffron Wildbore

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~ 3min read

We understand that applying to any graduate role can be a confusing process. With this blog post we aim to walk you through everything, from the mthree interview process, the assessments and the expected timelines.

Carry on reading for all the information.

> When can you apply to our graduate programme?

The first thing you need to know is that our graduate program is open year round. Unlike other companies who may open applications seasonally, we ensure that you are not rushed into any decision and can apply when you’re ready.

We have many pathways on offer to kickstart your career.

  • Software development: For STEM graduates or those who have learned coding skills in their spare time.

  • Production support: Similar to Software Development, you’ll need to have developed technical skills in or outside education.

  • Banking services: For people from all degree backgrounds with a keen interest in finance, you must be computer literate.

  • Business services: Similar to Banking Services, you must be PC literate.

Discover more information about each of these pathways.

> The application process

Before you begin your application, write your resume that shows off your experience and skills. If you’re unsure how to write a CV, have a read of our blog post; how to write a CV with no experience.

The next step is to find a role that you’re interested in on our careers site. New roles are being posted continually and you’re more than welcome to apply for more than one. Then, you’ll be asked to take part in the initial mthree assessments, depending on which role you’ve applied for. All roles require an aptitude test and tech roles require a coding test.

Once you’ve applied for your favoured role, our talent team begins the process of matching applications against the roles and cohorts they are working on for our clients. You’ll then be asked to take part in an interview.

Please note: due to the volume of applications, we cannot provide feedback for unsuccessful applications.

> What happens during the training?

If you’re a successful applicant, you’ll join one of our structured training programmes in your chosen field. This is full-time training for 4-12 weeks that will be conducted online, so ensure that you have access to a computer and the internet.

You’ll be led by experts during this training, who all have at least a decade experience in industry or education, whilst receiving interview and resume tips from our talent team. They will then put you forward for interviews with our clients.

During this period, we will put you forward for roles with our clients. You will also be paid during your training.

> What to expect from your role on-site

Once you’ve successfully landed a role with one of our clients, you’ll be employed by us during your 12-24 month placement. Whilst working on-site, you’ll also be continuously learning online to help progress your career. You will also achieve pay rises every 9 months throughout your placement.

The majority of our Alumni continue their career with our clients as a full-time employee once their placement is completed.

> Why should you choose mthree?

mthree is not a traditional recruitment company or a bootcamp. Our Alumni graduate programme offers you job-ready training and a placement in a junior role at a global leading company. You’ll also receive ongoing support and professional learning throughout your placement.

Kickstart your career in your chosen field and find out more about our graduate programme today.

Saffron Wildbore is a Senior Marketing Executive at mthree. She has worked in marketing, specialising in creating content for over 5 years. Saffron focuses on writing tips for graduates, Alumni interviews and more!