mthree Celebrates International Women’s Day 2024

Saffron Wildbore

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Our 2023 Diversity in Tech report found 39% of Gen Z views technology careers as male dominated.

This International Women's Day, we're dedicated to challenging this perception and uplifting women in tech. Aligning with this year's International Women's Day theme, #InspireInclusion, we've gathered insights and advice from our global team on fostering a more inclusive environment for all.

> On inspiring inclusion

It’s important for businesses to attract and retain diverse talent. 69% of US Gen Z tech workers reported that they have felt uncomfortable in a role due to something out of their control. This includes gender, a neurodevelopmental condition, ethnicity or socioeconomic background.

Inclusion is fundamental in a successful organisation to bring about new perspectives and to ensure all employees feel like they belong.

“To attract and keep the best tech talent, we need to identify and address the inclusivity issues that discourage them. By creating a culture of inclusion for those who face the most obstacles, we also empower others who face similar but less severe challenges.” - Mary Wellman

“Diversity Training is implementing comprehensive diversity training programs to educate employees about unconscious bias, privilege, and inclusive behaviours, fostering a culture of awareness and respect for diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Provide supportive resources such as employee assistance programs, counselling services, and parental leave policies to help employees, particularly mothers and caregivers, navigate work-life balance challenges.” - Christine A Joy

“We can inspire inclusivity in the workplace by ensuring every person within the business has a voice, no matter what gender. A company should also have people in higher positions of different genders, having a company that has all male people for instance doesn't create a welcoming environment and culture” - Matthew O’Keefe

> On advice for others starting their careers

64% of Gen Z workers said securing their first role in tech was harder than they expected. We need to support people of all backgrounds when they enter the workforce.

“The worst answer you can receive is a no, this is not a barrier but a stepping stone for you. At the start you will not have it all figured out, most of us still don't but use the energy and motivation you have to go and get what you want. Remember, the worst someone can say is no, you just use this to try again.” - Khadijah Pandor

“Bring your full self to the workplace and find a mentor you can learn from. I’ve grown so much from working with more senior team members, watching and emulating the strategies they use to be successful in their roles.” - Nicole Phillips

“Don’t hesitate to ask questions.” - Anna Koretska

“Imposter syndrome is something commonly experienced by women in the workplace. Remember you were hired for your expertise and make sure you celebrate your successes- they are well deserved!” - Emily Keefe

“You’re launching into a new adventure that’s both thrilling and gut-wrenching. Be curious. You've got a way to go before you land.” - Mary Wellman

“For anyone starting careers, you should seek opportunities that push you out of your comfort zone. It's important not to overwhelm yourself, but embracing challenges contributes to your growth and learning.” - Greg Clarke

> On women who have inspired us in our careers

According to our Diversity in Tech report, 28% of US Gen Z workers feel that there is a lack of female role models within the tech industry. We asked our colleagues about women who have inspired them in their career and what it meant to them.

“Early in my career, I had a manager who led an organisation and was a role model for me. She was articulate and smart and a great leader. I noticed one special thing about her that I have tried to follow, and she gave me one piece of important advice. The thing I noticed was that in leadership meetings, when the business was trying to solve a big and complex problem, she almost always volunteered to be the one to find the solution. The important advice she gave me was to "sit at the table". She meant literally and figuratively. Years later, the book "Lean In" came out with the same great message for women everywhere.” - Irene Newsom

“It’s hard to pick one because I’ve worked with several really inspiring women. The ones who made the most impact on me struck a good balance between both being an expert in what they did, while also taking the time to invest in me and my growth.” - Nicole Phillips

“My senior marketing lecturer at the University of Chester was amazing when I was having difficulty transitioning back to university studies after spending a year away doing my Sandwich Year placement. Her patience and going above and beyond to help contributed to me getting a 2:1 and instilled a high work ethic which is being used in my career today.” - Matthew O’Keefe

“My mother who inspired me to be strong and have a great work ethic. She’d say if someone gives you a job, you do it well or you don't do it at all'' - Christine A Joy

> On the benefits of having women in leadership roles

21% of US Gen Z tech workers felt discomfort in their role due to their gender. There are many reasons that this may be, but having people of all genders in leadership roles is one way to ensure that everyone feels welcomed and supported.

"Leadership requires resilience, a complex trait that combines various qualities. Resilient leaders are mindful of their surroundings, their emotions, and the actions of others. Women often excel in resilience, as they possess high levels of: emotional intelligence and empathy, adaptability in the face of change, relationship building - both professionally and personally for support and mentorship, self-awareness and authenticity, mastery of stress management. It’s no surprise that recently updated research confirms women are perceived as being every bit as effective as men in leadership roles." - Mary Wellman

“Having women in leadership roles sets a good example for all employees. Not only does it provide strong role models to other women in the organisation, but it showcases the normality of women in the workplace. I love talking to women who are higher up in the organisation than myself, it makes me feel inspired.” - Saffron Wildbore

"Women in leadership roles helps inspire future generations and supports greater gender diversity in the years to come.” - Greg Clarke

“By shining a light on female leaders and having women in leadership roles we inspire and raise aspirations and support women to achieve greatness. This not only uplifts women but also cultivates a workplace environment rich in diversity and inclusivity, benefiting everyone.” - Khadijah Pandor

“Women in leadership roles can understand the needs of other women in the business.” - Anna Koretska

Discover more about Diversity at mthree>>

Saffron Wildbore is a Senior Marketing Executive at mthree. She has worked in marketing, specialising in creating content for over 5 years. Saffron focuses on writing tips for graduates, Alumni interviews and more!