Job hunting when you’ve just finished University can be really tough. You may not have ever gone through the hiring process before, or you may be getting down about being rejected.
In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips on staying positive when searching for a new job after graduation.
> Work out what you want in your career
There’s a lot of pressure to get a full-time job immediately after graduating, when you may not be sure what it is you want to do. Take some time to yourself and question what your career goals are and how you can get there before you begin applying.
When it comes to specific jobs, ask yourself exactly why you are applying for this position and make it clear in your resume or cover letter why you’d be a good fit. It can be a good idea to tailor your resume to match the job description, highlighting where you meet the skills they are looking for.
If you’re given feedback after an unsuccessful job interview, use this constructively instead of taking it negatively.
> Question what motivates you
If you’ve just graduated from university, there’s no doubt that you’ll have completed difficult assignments. Ask yourself how you stayed motivated when completing these and follow the techniques you’ve used before.
Look at the bigger picture, your long-term goals and how you can motivate yourself to get there. Now is a good time to look at the skills requirements for your chosen field and see if there are any areas you can upskill in your spare time.
> Don’t obsess over everything
Make sure that you keep some perspective when searching for a graduate job. There’s no harm in working in a different field in the meantime until something you’re passionate about comes up.
Don’t obsess over job alerts, application statuses and chasing recruiters. Your job is out there, and a few rejections along the way is totally normal. Make sure you keep some perspective.
> Look at the positives
Make sure you don’t zone in on the negatives, what is it that you do well? What recent successes have you had, in your personal or professional life?
If you’re finding this difficult, turn to the people in your life and ask them for some support. Surround yourself with people who boost your confidence, and support you on your journey.
Don’t let self-doubt creep in, if you’re starting to feel like an imposter have a read of our tips on managing these negative feelings.
> Connect with people around you
Make sure that you get out in the world, especially if you’re starting to withdraw into yourself. Connect with new people, head to some in-person events and make time for friends.
Now can be a good time to start networking too! It can be easy to look at people in your field on social media and assume that everything has been easy for them, but that’s not the case. People always have a backstory and have likely been exactly where you are now. Discover our tips on networking at the beginning of your career.
> Apply for the mthree graduate program
Our graduate program offers you job-ready training and a placement in a junior role at a successful global company, working in banking, business or technology.
We also offer you on-going support throughout the whole of your placement. Let us kickstart your career!
Discover our current roles today.