Graduating university and realizing that you have to start looking for your first full-time job is simply put, a scary thought. You may be feeling apprehensive about the job search ahead and everything that comes with it.
Try not to panic! Nerves are completely normal when it comes to having to make such a big life change. With this blog post we’ll walk you through how to prepare for life after university.
> Practice some self-care
There’s about to be a lot of changes happening. Leaving uni, possibly moving back home to get back on your feet, away from your friends who you’ve spent almost every day with for the last few years.
Take some time for yourself, get in a good routine and prioritize your health. With dissertations, end-of-year exams and well-deserved celebrations, your sleep schedule may have taken a back foot. Get into a basic routine where you’re getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising enough. This will ensure that you’re feeling your best self when you begin your job hunt.
> Take charge of your finances
University will definitely have helped you learn some budgeting skills, but now is the time to make sure you’re brushed up on money management before you enter the world of work.
It may be worth taking part in an online money management course, offered by most banks, that will teach you everything from filing taxes and managing your student loan repayments to saving for your first home.
> Think about your skills for employment
You may have had work experience whilst at university, or you may not have. But there’s no doubt that you’ll have gained transferable skills during your time there.
If you’ve got your degree, you'll likely have top notch soft skills which employers are looking for. You’ll have learned time management, communication, organizational and teamwork skills to name a few.
All of these soft skills can be added to your first graduate resume, along with any part time work or notable work experience you gained whilst at university. If you’re unsure how to write your resume, have a read of our top tips to get you started. We also have a blog post on the best times to apply for graduate roles that may help you out.

> Turn your degree into a career with mthree
When discussing getting a job after university, many people will tell you that it’ll take time to work your way up and get your dream job. They may say that it’s best to take any job that comes your way, just to get yourself into the world of work.
But that’s not necessarily the case. If you want to work in the worlds of technology, finance or business services at mthree, we see your potential. With us, we’ll help you understand what graduate jobs are out there. We’ll also give you the skills that you need in order to forge a successful career with one of our clients by joining our Alumni program.
Discover what it means to be an mthree Alumni now.